First italian fasteners magazine
The first issue of Italian Fasteners, published in May 1994, can boast of having acted as the real
launching pad of the first Italian magazine entirely focused on the fastener industry.
La contemporanea pubblicazione degli articoli in italiano ed in inglese, consente al quadrimestrale Italian Fasteners – la cui tiratura è di circa 7.000 copie a numero – di essere distribuito in Italia e nel resto del mondo mediante abbonamento gratuito.
To subscribe to the magazine it is necessary to fill a request form and send it to the Editorial Office,
which is the only one entitled to give a final opinion on all subscription applications.
Descleimer: The reproduction of articles and excerpts is allowed only when the source is mentioned. Manuscripts and pictures will not be returned. All published articles, including those with scientific contents, do only refllect the author's opinion and do not involve in any case the publisher's responsibility. The Editorial staff reserves the right to shorten, edit and/or not publish the articles submitted, based on their editorial requirements, without consulting the authors beforehand.